Last updated: 4 April 2007

*waves* Kon'nichi ha! Welcome! Goðan daginn. Ar alasse omentielvesse.

So, you've found your way to my site, eh? Well, I hope you're not disappointed. What you'll find here are the things that I have done that I thought were kinda cool and wanted to share with you. This would be my writings, my drawings, my calligraphy, my translations, etc. (including some new icon-graphics!). A lot of my current work is inpired by the Medieval group, The Society of Creative Anachronism. If you're into the sort of thing, or just looking for some very cool people, you should check it out.

So, what are you waiting for? The page won't scroll itself.

(Please pardon, I'm still currently working on the graphics)

New Items:
--Layout (a little)
. --Quite a bit
. --House
. --Hurt
. --Yellow Alert!

Complaints/suggestions? Tell me what you think:


(Warning: Most of the stories here are incomplete and probably won't be worked on again for some time)

This was a Creative Writing assignment that launched itself in a different direction. It's still not quite right and needs some more revision, but it's still the Chinese sense.
Originally chapter two to a novel concept I was working on when I was still in high school. However, after looking over it a year ago, I decided to rewrite it as it's own stand alone short story.
This was the beginning of an Escaflowne fanfic, but it has since undergone so many revisions in my mind that it's not even the same story anymore and this bit of the original story probably won't be expanded any more.
A story I wrote freshman year in high school. Looking back on it, it's not very good, but at the time I was quite proud of it.
The preface for a story of dragons. The rest of the work I've done on it is lost in one of my old notebooks. But, I still have several of the old pictures I used for reference, and can be found in the Gallery..
Short prose work, almost poetry.
Written 4.16.06
Short prose work
Written 3.31.06
This was inspired by an online character I created for the now-long-gone Stargate SG-1 site on
Based on a drawing I did one day. Like many of my writings, it is the first chapter in a futher story, but as of now, is only this far.
I wrote this for a Creative Writing class in my freshman year of college. It is a stand alone piece, though the main character is yanked from my yet unwritten Gundam Wing fanfic, an original character of mine. If I ever do write that fanfic, this can be integrated into it, but if I never least I've actually used the character now.
Yellow Alert!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The beginnings of a Trigun fanfic started back in December of 2001. The genesis idea was what would the social implications of a localized human disaster bring. Obviously, the televisions series dealt with the insurance nightmare he would cause. But obviously, there would be opportunists who would flock to such a person as well.


The Tor Aerie Cat Poem -- written by all the folk in Tor Aerie, dedicated to Laurence

The Crystal Quill

--May Edition

Title Page

Beowulf: Dude, Where's My Arm? Invitations

Castel Rouge -- Illuminated by Thorarna Hiartt, I did the calligraphy
Master Owen Alun -- Illuminated by Thorarna Hiartt, I did the calligraphy
Viscountess Elashave bas Riva -- Illuminated by Will Douglas, I did the calligraphy

Reflection -- finished April 29, 2005

Remembrance -- finished January 9, 2006

(These are songs and such that I have, for some bizarre reason, translated into Quenya for your and my own enjoyment. Don't ask me why, I just have no life! Besides...I like Quenya)

Duvet (opening song to Serial Experiments Lain)

In Dreams (from the LotR soundtrack)

Literal Translation

Singable Version

The Last Unicorn (the main song from the animated movie, The Last Unicorn)

May it Be (from the LotR soundtrack)

The Ten Commandments

All original stories, songs, translations, graphics, etc. are ©copywrited to Melanie Pafko and Pafko Publications or to their respective owners..
Pafko Publications 2000-2007.