About the AuthorsThe Pafko family (Frank, Jeannine, Wayne, & Melanie) visited Norway from June 2nd through June 10th (2000). Our 7 day trip (10 with travel) was arranged through Globus Travel (tour ZQ, "Scenic Norway"). We all had a great time and recommend them highly! Our itinerary was as follows...
We are glad that we could share our trip with you and hope you have enjoyed Scenic Snaps Norway. Please let us know what you think... Feel free to contact us at norway@pafko.com. Also, don't forget to send your friends a Virtual Norway Greeting Card. Back to Scenic Snaps: Norway. |
This site has been a Scenic Snaps production...
Copyright 2000, Wayne Pafko
www.pafko.com/ trips/ norway/nabout.html