Visualizing Tycho Brahe's Mars Observations: Bib
Visualizing Tycho Brahe's Mars Data
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Works Cited
Fortunately there is a large body of work on this topic. Below you will find some wonderful reference materials...
Online Resources
- Catalog of the Scientific Community: Tycho Brahe. Compiled by Richard S. Westfall. Indiana University, 1995 (visited May 1, 2000).
- The Noble Dane: Images of Tycho Brahe. Museum of the History of Science: Oxford. (visited May 1, 2000).
- The Observations of Tycho Brahe. Astronomy 161: University of Tennesee. (visited May 1, 2000).
- Runeberg, Johan.Uraniborg: Tycho Brahe's Castle at the Island of Hven. 1999. (visited May 1, 2000).
- Sheehan, William. Motions of Mars (chapter 1). The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery. University of Arizona Press: Tucson AZ, 1996.
- Tycho Brahe: The Heavens and His Scientific Achievements. (unknown author). (visited May 1, 2000).
Offline Resources
- Brahe, Tycho. Edited by I.L.E. DreyerTychonis Brahe Dani Opera Omnia. (in Latin) Vol 1-15. 1913-1929. (contains the observations in Tycho's notebooks)
- Franknoi, A., Morrison, D., & Wolff, S. Voyages Through the Universe. Saunders College Publishing: New York, 1997.
- Kepler, Johannes. Translated by Willaim Donahue. New Astronomy. Cambridge University Press: New York, 1992.
- Layzer, David. Aristachus, Copernicus, and Kepler (chapter 2). Constructing the Universe. Scientific American Books: New York, 1984.
- Voelkel, James. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. Oxford Universy Press: New York, 1999.
- Wilson, Curtis. How Did Kepler Discover His First Two Laws? Scientific American. Vol 226, No 3. March 1972.
- Wing, Vincent. Scientia Stellarum (The Starry Science). London, 1699.
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Copyright 2000, Wayne Pafko